Access your Box ( to administer

To access your box more often we must return its IP address ( or and your password (admin / password). Once connected you can then administer your network (change your password wifi, redirect ports, ...).

LiveBox (Orange)

To access your LiveBox go to this address (or http: // livebox)

Log then with these credentials:

Username: admin

Default Password: the first eight characters (in UPPERCASE) of the security key (wireless key) that is on the label of your Livebox.

NeufBox (SFR Box)

To access your NeufBox go to this address

After opening the page enter the password.

Username: admin

Default Password: the wifi key located on the box

BBox (Bouygues)

To access your BBox visit this address or http: //gestionbbox.lan

After opening the page enter the password.

Username: admin

Default password: admin

FreeBox (Free)

On older FreeBox it will do so directly from the site Free returning your login Free

On the new Freebox you type this address and enter a password of your choice at the first connection (more info here)

IREL Numericable

To access your NeufBox go to this address

After opening the page enter the password.

Username: admin

Default Password: password

AliceBox (Alice)

Alice box to administer your appointments in your subscriber space and enter your password

IP address error

Typing wrong address of your box, your browser will convert your typing to search (this may be what brought you here), here are the mistakes to avoid:
IP addresses can only be composed of numbers so forget the o, i or L that would kind of IP addresses: 192.168.l.l, 192.168.O.1 or 192.168.l.l

Also avoid other punctuation marks that point 192,168,1,1 192-168-1-1 192 168 1 1 www. ...

Remember to put the http: // before the address on Internet Explorer (not required for Firefox or Chrome). For example

On error see also this article Identify your local IP address and your BOX.